Logo Blue Moon

Configuration and Testing

Performance and Stability Guide

In-depth guide about how to fix the game's lackluster performance, display issues and alt-tabbing. Covers topics such as DXVK, framerate limiting, display modes, lag and HDR. It may seem overwhelming at first, but it is highly recommended to follow it all the way through for the best possible performance and stabililty.

Custom INI

In this step we will take advantage of JIP LN NVSE's FalloutCustom.ini feature to improve performance and stability without affecting the main INIs.
  1. Make sure the Blue Moon profile is active.
  2. Click the MO2 INI button button at the top of MO2 and select INI Editor.
  3. Select the FalloutCustom.ini tab, which should be blank.
Make sure you are in the FalloutCustom.ini tab and NOT the Custom.ini tab.
  1. Paste in the following:
It is highly recommended to avoid changing any other INI settings not in the guide and to avoid using tools like BethINI. You will realistically not need any other tweaks than the ones already in the guide.

Testing Utilities & NVSE Plugins

  1. Restart your PC (otherwise some plugins will print out 0).
  2. Launch the game using the New Vegas option in MO2 (not the NVSE option).
  3. Run New Vegas through MO2
  4. If you see a black console window appear, it means NVHR is working.
    • If not, NVHR is installed incorrectly.
  5. Once the game has reached the main menu, hit the ~ key (above the tab key) to open the console.
    • You will need to unplug/disconnect any controllers to be able to use the keyboard.
  6. Enter GetNVSEVersion and the console should print NVSE version: 6
    • If not, xNVSE is installed incorrectly.
  7. Next, enter GetIsLAA and the console should print GetIsLAA >> 2
    • If it prints >> 0, then the 4GB Patch was applied incorrectly.
    • If it prints an error message, then JIP LN NVSE is installed incorrectly.
  8. Next, enter GetINISetting "iNumHWThreads:General" and the console should print INISetting iNumHWThreads:General >> 3
  9. Next, enter IsDLLLoaded CrashLogger and the console should print IsDLLLoaded "CrashLogger.dll" >> 1
  10. Next, enter IsDLLLoaded NVTF and the console should print IsDLLLoaded "nvtf.dll" >> 1
    • If not, then NVTF is installed incorrectly.
  11. Lastly, enter IsDLLLoaded mlf and the console should print IsDLLLoaded "mlf.dll" >> 1