Logo Blue Moon

NVSE Plugins

Creating a Separator in MO2

  1. Right-click the empty space in the left pane of MO2 and select Create Separator.
  2. Name the separator NVSE Plugins.

New Vegas Heap Replacer

Installation instructions:

  1. Download the Main Files - NVHR using the Manual Download button.
  2. From the downloaded archive, extract everything to the game's Root folder.
Replaces the game's heap management system with a much faster version, which can lead to large performance gains.


Installation instructions:

  1. Main File - JIP LN NVSE Plugin
  2. Main File - JIP LN Settings INI
  3. Once the two files are installed, double-click on JIP LN Settings INI in the left pane of MO2
  4. Select the mod's INI file in the INI-Files tab and set bEnableFO3Repair to 1 (line 6)
This setting re-integrates Fallout 3's repairing system, where you can only repair an item up to a % equal to your repair skill. I highly recommend you read the INI file for more information. Recommended, but not required.
Adds new script functions, features and engine bug fixes.
This is the first mod in the guide that is installed with the with Mod Organizer 2 through the Mod Manager Download button. If you are unsure of what to do, read the Key Terminology section from the Setup page.

It is also the first mod in the guide you need multiple files from, remember to Rename each file to match the name on Nexus.

JohnnyGuitar NVSE

Installation instructions:

Adds new script functions, features and engine bug fixes.

ShowOff NVSE

Installation instructions:

NVSE plugin adding new functions and engine-level tweaks & bugfixes.


Installation instructions:

NVSE plugin adding new functions similar to the previous mods.

Yvile's Crash Logger

Installation instructions:

A DLL that logs raw crash data.

New Vegas Tick Fix

Installation instructions:

Fixes micro-stuttering, performance and allows playing at higher framerates (below 300).

Mod Limit Fix

Installation instructions:

Raises the game's file handles limit and improves performance/loading times, even if you are far below it.

kNVSE Animation Plugin

Installation instructions:

Resource for expanding and improving the game's limited animation system.

Depth of Field Fix NVSE

Installation instructions:

Fixes depth of field effects bleeding over onto player's viewmodel.

Dynamic Pip-Boy Light NVSE

Installation instructions:

Fixes inconsistency with light emitted from the Pip-Boy

Exterior Emittance Fix NVSE

Installation instructions:

Fixes incorrect exterior emittance handling which leads to particles being black.

Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks NVSE

Installation instructions:

Fixes some alpha rendering issues such as broken effects when using Transparency Multisampling.

Fog-based Object Culling

Installation instructions:

Dynamically adjusts draw distance in accordance with the fog to improve performance with little to no visual difference.

High Resolution Bloom

Installation instructions:

Removes the hard-coded resolution limit on the game's bloom effect.

High Res Local Maps

Installation instructions:

Increases the resolution of local maps from 128 to 512

High Resolution Screens

Installation instructions:

Increases the render resolution of in-game screens to match game's screen resolution.

High Resolution Water Fog

Installation instructions:

Increases resolution of water depth render target to significantly reducing aliasing.


Installation instructions:

Fixes moonlight by making the moon the light caster instead of the sun.

Muzzle Flash Light Fix NVSE

Installation instructions:

Fixes muzzle flash lights not being culled after shot, leading to game still using them for illumination.

Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE

Installation instructions:

Fixes Pip-Boy's shading, making it not ignore lights around it.

Real-Time Reflections

Installation instructions:

  1. Main File - Real Time Reflections
  2. Main File - Real Time Reflections - INI
  3. Once the two files are installed, double-click on Real Time Reflections - INI in the left pane of MO2
  4. Select the mod's INI file in the INI-Files tab and set bScreenSpaceInterior to 1 (line 20)
Adds fully dynamic, real time reflection system to the game and realistic ambient lighting on meshes.

Improved Lighting Shaders

Installation instructions:

Fixes engine-level lighting bugs and allows for 4x the normal amount of active lights.

Climate Control NVSE

Installation instructions:

Fixes bugs and adds utilities for weather mods.

Cloud Upgrade NVSE

Installation instructions:

Adds a pseudo-animated cloud system for horizons and panoramic clouds

Improved Console

Installation instructions:

Enhances the console's abilities to be able to execute and print results from all available script commands. Full scripting support inside console, including creating variables and evaluating NVSE expressions (arrays, strings) for easy mod development and prototyping. Mouse wheel scrolling included too.

User Interface Organizer

Installation instructions:

Automatically ensures that multiple HUD extensions work together, as well as fixing many bugs and improving performance.