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Effect Models & Textures

Creating a Separator in MO2

  1. Right-click the empty space in the left pane of MO2 and select Create Separator.
  2. Name the separator Effect Models & Textures.


Installation instructions:

Professional-quality Ballistic VFX overhaul, ranging from bullet impacts to shell casings.

EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced

Installation instructions:

  1. Main File - EXE FULL RES V2 -LATEST-
  2. Once the mod has been installed, double-click on it in the left pane of MO2
  3. In the Filetree tab, delete the textures\sky folder
  4. Repeat for textures\water
Every last visual effect texture in FNV base game re-made from scratch.

Enhanced Blood Textures

Installation instructions:

  1. Main File - Enhanced Blood Textures
  2. Once the mod has been installed, double-click on it in the left pane of MO2
  3. In the Filetree tab, delete textures\gore\screenbloodalpha01opt.dds
  4. Repeat for textures\gore\screenbloodcolor01opt.dds
New textures for all different variants of blood, wounds, and gore.

Subtle Sandstorms

Installation instructions:

Reduces the brightness of sandstorms to make them more natural without taking away from their atmosphere.

Dusty Distance Redone

Installation instructions:

Adds an atompsheric dusty fog effect in the distance to obscure the game's low-quality distant LOD. You can use whicher distance you like, but I find 59k to be the most balanced.

Better Grass

Installation instructions:

Makes grass sway with the wind more noticably.

No More Motion Sickness

Installation instructions:

Removes any kind of blur (motion blur, radial blur, hit blur, etc.). Install if those effects bother you.

No Muzzle Flash Lights

Installation instructions:

Improves game performance in combat by disabling lights produced by muzzle flashes from NPC's weapons. The effect still applies to the player, but this is configurable via an INI file.